HOA Rules Summary
Rules and Restrictions from the Rosedale Master Association CC&R’s
Summary of rules:
Occupancies are for residential use only. Home businesses are subject to restrictions.
Architectural review committee must approve most changes to the outside of the homes. Please go to rosedalemasterhoa.com for information.
Garage doors are to be kept closed when not in use.
- Vehicles:
Parking on the street is not permitted from midnight to 6am.
Blocking of sidewalks is not permitted.
Commercial vehicles must be parked inside garages.
Boats, all types of trailers, campers, vans, motor homes, motorcycles and recreation vehicles shall be permitted in the subdivision only while loading and unloading or parked inside a garage and concealed from public view.
Except for normal washing and waxing no maintenance or repair of any boat or vehicle is permitted except within a garage.
Vehicles not in working condition shall be immediately removed from the subdivision.
Garbage and recycling materials shall not be placed at the curb prior to 6pm on the day prior to collection.
Owners are responsible for routine maintenance including landscaping work, garage carriage lights and post lamp fixtures.
Clothes lines are now permitted not visible from the street or any other common area.
Garbage cans, HVAC equipment, pool equipment, and generators must be screened from view and buffered by walls or shrubbery to reduce the noise level.
Window or wall air conditioners are not permitted.
Trailers or temporary buildings are not permitted.
Placement of signs or ornamental objects must be in accordance with Rosedale established rules.
Household pets are permitted and are limited to three pets per household. They must be kept on a leash and in a manner or to an extent as to not constitute a nuisance to neighbors.
Basketball backboards and any other fixed or portable game equipment shall be kept in the rear of the dwelling.
Hurricane protection devices must be approved and their use is governed by the rules contained in the CC&R’s